09 2024

10 Inspirational Stories of Addiction Recovery WholeYum

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sobriety success stories

Recovery from drug and alcohol is more than just possible for women struggling with the disease – it happens every day at Valley Hope Addiction Treatment and Recovery. Effective treatment options are easily accessible and customized to meet the needs of women and the individual challenges they face. To me, sobriety means so much more than not drinking. It’s being accountable for myself, my actions, and my place in this world. It’s living in the present, always aware I have choices to make every day. Sobriety is being intentional with things—my choices, my words, my interactions with others, and the impression I make on people, especially those in early recovery.

  • As I sit here writing this story, a counter on my computer desktop indicates that I have been sober 2,105 days, one day at a time.
  • Some may have turned to substances to cope with trauma, stress, or mental health issues.

From hopeless and homeless to sobriety Kelsey’s story.

We grew up in a small town in Eastern Massachusetts where, on our mile-long street, we only had a few neighbors. I always wanted to hang out with my two older brothers, as there were few kids my own age in the area. I remember at one of these forts, at the age of ten, finally feeling like I belonged because someone gave me a cigarette to smoke, or more accurately, choke on. But at least they treated me like one of the guys. As my older brothers went off to high school, I again felt isolated and alone.

  • I can maneuver things and figure out what’s a good decision for me.
  • I felt healthier and more vibrant than ever before.
  • It’s humbling, it’s exhilarating, and it’s created a whole new chapter for me—figuratively and literally.
  • Addiction is a chronic disorder, not a personal failure.

Life after addiction isn’t just possible. It’s the norm

This isn’t a far-fetched dream, but a reality that unfolds when you decide to quit alcohol. It’s a journey, a dance of strength, resilience, and profound transformation – a journey of how quitting alcohol changed my life. And in this article, I will be sharing my story of attaining sobriety and the ways my life improved without alcohol. Since my sobriety birthday there have been a lot of ups and downs, but mostly ups.

sobriety success stories

Alcohol destroys everything in it’s path – Jess’s story of sobriety.

sobriety success stories

At the appropriate time, with the guidance of my sponsor, I was able to make amends to everyone I had harmed, including myself. I was struck sober, lying on my living room floor, unable to get up, bleeding from a gastric ulcer just before Labor Day weekend in 2004. That is where this amazing journey https://ecosoberhouse.com/ in sobriety began. Once you stop drinking, your brain’s amygdala circuits become overly active, causing feelings of irritability, anxiety, and emotional pain. This enhanced appreciation for life unlocked greater happiness, improved mental and physical health, and led to stronger relationships.

Nine Inspiring Sober Success Stories

Most of our champions went alcohol-free, but all of us can benefit from checking up on our drinking and making sure we’re happy and in control. Take a quiz to see how healthy your drinking is. Our Treatment Advisors are available 24 hours a day to help you or a loved one access care. We’re ready to make sure you have the support you need to achieve lifelong recovery.

sobriety success stories

sobriety success stories

It took a bit of time, but once I had the courage to begin creating again, I was stunned at the depth and clarity of my work, both writing and painting. It’s almost as though something inside me has been freed, and it’s churning out endless ideas, endless inspiration. It’s humbling, it’s exhilarating, sobriety success stories and it’s created a whole new chapter for me—figuratively and literally. Sobriety has given me a whole new life, and it’s better than I could’ve dreamed. I called and made the appointment to show him that I didn’t need to quit, I just needed to “calm” down with my consumption.

It was a moment of clarity that brought him to the realization that he needed professional intervention to break free from the grips of substance abuse. Despite the challenges, John’s dedication to his recovery paid off. Through perseverance, support from his loved ones, and the guidance of experienced clinicians, John achieved sobriety and reclaimed control of his life. Recognizing the need for change, John bravely took the first step towards recovery by seeking professional help. Entering a rehabilitation program marked a significant turning point in his life. It’s soul-searching, hard work, but it brings you to authenticity, to emotional and physical health, and it’s life-changing in more ways than I can express.

  • But at least they treated me like one of the guys.
  • I realize that I don’t give myself enough credit.
  • If I watched a movie with the family, it was unlikely I would remember any details of the movie the following morning.
  • I did not need to study very hard for tests to ace them.

The Michael Palmer, MD Medical Student Health Lecture Series

sobriety success stories

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